Secret Sauce Ingredient – Door Rodeo Sessions

By Ryan Kaullen, Field Services Manager at Kenton Brothers

Door Rodeo SessionsKenton Brothers encourages our team members to get training during work hours, but we also encourage them to take advantage of outside training if available. One such training that we offer our team members is what we call Door Rodeo Sessions. These training sessions are offered after hours and are voluntary. Kenton Brothers provides pizza and drinks, and a certain topic or topics are chosen for one of our tech trainers to cover during the class.

The goal of these classes is to provide deeper training on subjects that an individual would like more training on, strengthen their knowledge of the industry, build closer bonds with other team members, and continue to elevate their ability to take care of our customers.

Our team members come to us with all types of backgrounds.

Some of our team members are 20-year vets, some are brand new to the industry, and some fall in the middle. What makes the Door Rodeo Sessions unique and well-rounded is that they appeal to everyone who works for the company. What we’ve found is that our team members all have their areas of expertise and focus. While they may have some knowledge in other areas, these Door Rodeo Sessions allow them to dive deeper in areas they may not see or focus on each and every day.

Door Rodeo Sessions Door Rodeo Sessions

The most recent Door Rodeo Session covered Door Hardware, Door Vocabulary, Door Swing, and Lock Types.

One of the things that is important, especially in the security world, is talking the same language, understanding the same things when it comes to doors & locks, and being able to properly communicate that to our customers, the office, and other techs. These types of training sessions allow us to streamline communication, get parts on order faster, fix issues in the field faster, and again take care of customers in a more efficient manner.

Door Rodeo sessions are tailored each month and are based upon what our team members are telling us they need/want to learn more about.

Door Rodeo Sessions Door Rodeo Sessions

Back to the Basics

Access control has grown so much over the past 10-15 years and the training for it has become more readily available. Many of our team members have been telling us they want to go back to some of the basics of mechanical hardware training and become more proficient. As a result, our upcoming Door Rodeo Sessions will include Mortise Lock, Cylindrical Lock, Deadbolt, and exit device training. It’s also important for us to pay attention to what our field team members are telling us they need and want. They are the ones out there every day, customer facing, and they can tell us exactly what they need.

Kenton Brothers has a long history of investing in our team members when it comes to training. Door Rodeo Sessions are another example of that. Making sure our techs are fully trained and taking care of our customers is essential to the health and growth of our organization and team members!

Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineer

By Baer Halvorson, Security Systems Engineer at Kenton Brothers

Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineerTwelve years ago, I ordered an online locksmithing school from Foley-Belsaw Company and started smoke-marking keys in the garage to practice impressioning by hand. Now I look at 3 monitors and use architectural software and project management/bidding software to engineer and detail projects, that can range upwards of half a million dollars.

Seventy percent of my career has been spent as a technician, and in that time it is clear that there are a handful of techs that intend to do more. You get life-long technicians that are good at what they do and get everything they need from that work, but a good handful want more from their career. More money, more experience, more purpose and to be more renown in the industry. All considerable things to shoot for and one way to accomplish that is making the jump from the role of a technician to an engineer. While that’s easy to write for this blog, it’s far more nuanced to accomplish. My experience is one in a sea of a thousand, but from it we can draw a few nuggets of wisdom that I hope detail to technicians how doable it truly is.

The Story of Jacob’s Ladder

I am not a religious person, but there is this image in the Hebrew Torah that I get in my head when I think of transition as a whole. There’s this real old story where a man named Jacob is on the run from his brother. He had kind of done his brother ‘dirty’ and stolen his inheritance, but it happens. While on the run, he ends up in this far off land and he lays down to rest. He rests his head on this stone and while he’s sleeping he dreams of this scene, where looking out over the land he sees this insanely tall ladder from the ground into the heavens where angels are going up and down it. He wakes up in that moment with this pressing sense that where he is and what he must do is his destiny. He blesses the stone he dreamed upon and sets it up as a monument to this major moment in his life.

The reason that I adore this image is because while it’s specific to Jacob’s story, it is also broad and interpretive to what we must do as individuals when we are looking to transition in our careers. This microcosm has these nuggets of wisdom hidden within this story that I feel apply directly to us advancing our careers. Three things I pull from this story and that I saw in my transition from locksmith, to electrical security technician, to security engineer are drawn out of the dream, the image and the action.

The Dream

Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineerIn working with numerous technicians, one of the hardest challenges for the tech is to dream. It’s easy to fall into a position or a company that is constantly full of work, and you get in this cycle of working for the weekends. Punch in, punch out, get paid. This cycle leads to no ambition, no purpose, a pay cap and a droning on of being plugged in to devices, a couple of family vacations becoming the highlight reel to your life and you spend your days counting the hours until Friday evening beers. Then you die.

If you run away from this though, and lay your head down to rest (preferably not stealing any inheritances) then you can start to dream. What purpose do you want to serve? Where do you want to be in 10 years with your career? What governments do you want to work with? What committees do you want to be on? What types of buildings do you want to secure? What technologies do you want to know about? Do you want them to call you an expert? Do you want to be a powerhouse locally, nationally, globally?

These and 100 other questions that will get you more out of life and help you get to the end feeling wonderful about the wild ride you were on! It all starts with getting away from the distractions and dreaming where you want to go. You must dream.

You can’t really live if you can’t dream.

The Image

Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineerThe second facet of Jacob’s story is the image he sees in his dream. I’ve been fortunate to work with a lot of different people in my twelve years. I’ve known technicians that are better at engineering solutions than engineers; I’ve worked with engineers that could easily jump back into the field and outperform lead technicians. I’ve known technicians that were better at managing a job than their project manager peers, and engineers that could sell better than the sales team could.

After seeing enough of this, one starts to understand that there is no hierarchy to the image of the ladder that Jacob saw the angels go up and down on. The take-away here is that you must not focus on comparison. For comparison is the thief of joy and part of finding your purpose in this industry is enjoying the journey that it takes. You must only worry about what YOU know, what YOU can do, and how WELL you can do it.

During the task at hand, the dream must live in the peripheral. This is a higher view that leads you to start becoming a better tech. Learn this device, wire that panel more cleanly than the last time, install the strike better than the last one you put in. You must commit to self-growth or you will get caught up in a manager not promoting you, a weekly meeting not acknowledging your effort or an install going south; all things that will happen, but they won’t matter when you realize that in all situations you learned and grew and are now better for it.

Continuing to use Jacob’s ladder as a metaphor, there’s a part in the story as Jacob is seeing this giant ladder ascending into heaven, he hears a voice tell him his destiny. It tells him that he will spread West, East, North and South and in his lineage all those after him will be blessed.

As a technician, you begin to bring the most value to your career when you are the widest spread in your knowledge. The security industry pulls from many surrounding industries in the electrical and low voltage fields. From knowing A/V when it comes to cameras and sound, to electrician knowledge in relay logic, to networking and wireless networks for connecting systems; the security technician needs to know a lot of aspects of the install. To be a valuable engineer, you must use the information you need in the field and begin to raise it higher and understand the concepts from a broader level. Understanding how these concepts play and interact with surrounding systems in the average environment. West, East, North and South; you must learn and be broad in your knowledge, so that when you are only given a small amount of information (photos, site walk notes, customer scope) you can expand that to designing an entire project.

Also, just like Jacob was told that those after him would be blessed, you need to make sure that you are pouring into those around you when you are a technician. A technician that can strengthen the team of techs on site will be creating a strong environment for them to leave when they jump to becoming an engineer. My current director here at Kenton, Neal Bellamy, put it best to me when he said to me, “Irreplaceable is unpromotable”. This is a large hurdle for a lot of technicians, because they become the lead tech and want to keep advancing but they don’t foster an environment of strong technicians around them and it then becomes too much of a hit for the company to move them out of their position. You must be the better tech and bless those after you. Caring for the past to make a way for the future.

The Action

Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineerThe last image to pull from this as you advance your career, is that when Jacob wakes up he immediately builds a monument with the rock he was dreaming on. Then he gives the land that he finds himself in a new name.

Once you find your dream, you need to wake up and move. You need to learn more today, read an extra article, explore one more website, study one more spec sheet. Action is all that is left between where you are now and where you want to be. This is the final step, and as you progress in your knowledge and become more of an asset you will be able to move into the engineer role, no matter what company it be with.

An important moment to note in Jacob’s adventure is he renames the land that he is in. It matters more than we usually understand, how we call things. How we refer to ourselves will dictate how we view our path, and that will cause us to take advantages and opportunities that might not have been seen had we not called it differently. If you want to transition from a technician to an engineer, then call yourself an engineer. Tell yourself in your van, “I’m an engineer in a technician role” or “I can see how they engineered this, they could have also done this.”

If you build a dream, interpret the image and then act on it but never see yourself as different or call yourself something more, you’ll be hard pressed to accomplish what you set out to do.


Jacob’s Ladder : A treatise on the transition from security technician to engineerThere is no rigid formula to the path of transition from a technician to an engineer. Additionally, the points that were pulled from the story of Jacob’s Ladder in this article are not something that are specific to the transition from a technician to an engineer. You must apply these bigger themes to your life as a whole.

Dream of the parent you want to be, the partner you want to be, the life you want to live, the enjoyments and pleasures that you want in your life. Dissect and interpret what it will take to accomplish that image that you’ve created. Then immediately act on it and speak as though it has already come to fruition and reality is just catching up.

There’s no secret sauce to making the specific transition from a technician to an engineer. In the end you need to know a wide spectrum of things (from mechanical, electrical, logical and more), and you need to be somebody that thinks of those who touch the project down the line. Your life is yours, and yours alone. If you want something, work to get it. Once you apply these major themes, your transition will look completely different from mine but you will move from technician to engineer.

Also know that this is something the industry is in desperate need of. There’s been a large number of engineers in this field that never climbed through a hot attic to pull a wire or dropped a tape roll twenty feet up off a lift. Those many moments compounded make for an engineer who thinks about the project manager and the technician, and that’s exactly what this industry needs.

To learn more about working for Kenton Brothers, be sure to check out our Careers page!

Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs

Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs By Ryan Kaullen, Field Services Manager at Kenton Brothers

Kenton Brothers invests thousands of hours of training for our employees every year. The training comes in various forms including manufacturer certified trainings (in person and online), hands on field-based training, one-on-one training and more. Some of the best and most beneficial trainings come from lead techs who have spent their life working in the field. Our lead techs love to pass on their knowledge to others who are new or who have little to no exposure to a certain field of training.

Recently, we hosted an in-person all day training led by three of our tech trainers and our Install & Development Tech. Each trainer hosted a different type of training. Topics included how to install an exit device and exit trim, identifying lock functions, installing cylindrical locks, ADA’s, and relay and output logic.

Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs

Team members in the field love to cross train and learn new skill sets.

Learning something new helps with confidence. Training provides our techs with more knowledge, they broaden their skill sets, and they’re able to complete installs and do service more quickly and more accurately. Proper, ongoing training makes a huge difference in the progression of a tech’s skill base.

The training feedback we received from everyone that participanted was a resounding success. We plan to do multiple training sessions like these each year, while expanding what we’re teaching at these trainings. And this delivers on one of the promises of many of our core values including Customer Focus, Employee Focus, Service Quality and Continuous Learning. And training is critically important as we continue to protect people, property, and possessions.

Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs Iron Sharpens Iron: In-House Training Led By Our Own Techs

XWiki – Finally, a tool that will help you organize your company’s tribal knowledge.

By Neal Bellamy, IT Director at Kenton Brothers

XWiki - Finally, a tool that will help you organize your company's tribal knowledge.I thought I would take a break from our normal security stories and talk about an internal communication tool that I found recently. I imagine that most companies struggle with communication, I know we do at times. We do a great job of talking to each other, but a lot of our knowledge is tribal, passed down from one member to another.

Over the years, we’ve created countless documents describing processes and procedures, trying to get the knowledge to be more formal and less tribal. However, that has come with its own challenges. These documents are spread out between a shared network folder in the office, printouts from a document on someone’s laptop, and on our cloud storage systems. Each location has a file/folder system designed by the original owner, which then itself becomes tribal knowledge. The cycle has been never-ending.

There are many systems out there proposing to organize the chaos. Although we’ve tried several, getting something that’s effective, won’t break the bank, and is fairly easy to adopt by our team has been a struggle. However, I think we might have finally cracked the code.


XWiki - Finally, a tool that will help you organize your company's tribal knowledge.I happened upon a product called XWiki. XWiki is an open-source project that appears to be well-supported with ongoing updates. Since it’s an open source project, it is free to implement for yourself, or you can pay a provider to set it up and manage it on your behalf.

XWiki is the first Wiki or knowledgebase that I’ve found where I can copy a Word document, pictures, and pretty much anything else and then paste them into the editor and it works. (This has been our number one roadblock to implementing anything else.) In other systems, you had to be able to edit HTML or build a document from scratch in the editor. Just this one feature has made adoption for all departments so much easier.

The Extension Store

The next feature that makes XWiki amazing is the extension store. Extensions add features to the base program that make it even more usable. Some of the extensions are free and others you have to pay for, but even the paid extensions are reasonably priced. Some examples of  these add-on extensions are GUI configuration for Active Directory, integration with, calender integration with Office365, and hundreds more.


XWiki - Finally, a tool that will help you organize your company's tribal knowledge.The last feature that was a must for us was permission-based pages. I wanted to allow each department to be able to create and edit their own processes and procedures, while allowing other related departments to be able to view as needed. For example, the HR department can create policies for the employees and everyone in the company can view them in XWiki.

Of course, XWiki also comes with things you would expect from a wiki. The pages can be edited by anyone with permissions, the system keeps track of revisions, it be searched with keywords and tags, content can be organized into categories, and you can even have sub-wikis with their own set of permissions.

It’s exciting that we have finally found and implemented a tool we can use to document our tribal knowledge. The system makes it much easier to keep things up to date. And our staff can find things they need quickly with the search tools.

Click here to learn more about XWiki. And if you have any additional questions about how we are using this or you want to learn more about our commercial security offerings, please give us a call.

Our Technician’s Secret Sauce: Ongoing training, learning from peers and working as a team.

By Neal Bellamy, IT Director at Kenton Brothers

I want to take a moment and talk about our amazing commercial security technicians. Technicians are where the rubber meets the road for Kenton Brothers. They are the ones who solve problems every day and make the systems work to protect people, property, and possessions.

Kenton Brothers Technician Training

It all starts with training.

Kenton Brothers supports many different technologies and products. Some of our team supports keying, master key systems, safety deposit boxes, safes, and more. Another part of our team supports commercial access control, video surveillance, intrusion detection, and analytics. Some of our people know a little bit about all of it… and some of them know a lot about some of it.

With such a wide breadth and depth related to what they do, training is incredibly important. When a technician starts with Kenton Brothers, we have them do several training classes to get up to speed. It gives newer security technicians an introduction to the way we provide commercial security solutions and the language that we use. Ongoing training gives the more experienced technicians a refresher. After earning their stripes, a career development plan is created to help them learn new or deeper skills to make them even more versatile and capable.

Kenton Brothers Technician Training

Learning from peers.

Training and classes can get you so far, but learning from your fellow technicians is just as valuable. Seasoned technicians take their skills and turn them into an art. Several on our team have been a part of Kenton Brothers for over a decade. They take great pride in their work and have learned how to hone their craft. Part of being a craftsman is teaching the next person how to be an artist themselves. Thankfully, our technicians love to share their knowledge with newer technicians.


I also want to give some appreciation to our team for always being available. Sure, like many service based companies we have an after-hours program. This gives you peace of mind that your company can be secure even after many of us have gone home for the day. But this is more than that. Our technicians pick up the phone when another tech needs help. There are many oddities in the security world and sometimes you need a “phone a friend” to figure out what you’re looking at. I am proud of the fact that our team is great about helping each other out, even when it isn’t easy or required.

The Kenton Brothers technicians are the best team I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. They are some of the best in their industry, with a ton of knowledge and great big hearts.

If you want to be part of a team like that, and are willing to put in the work to become one of the best, give us a shout at We are always looking for experienced security techs as well as good people who are ready to start a new career in commercial security!