ISC WEST Update: Axis Communications shows off new advancements!

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers

Axis Communications set the bar high at ISC West this year with a robust offerings of product advancements. Axis walked away with a lot of hardware from this year’s conference. We will delve into the new features and uses of three remarkable Axis Communication devices and their advancements: the AXIS Q9307-LV Dome Camera, AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera and the intelligent AXIS D2210-VE Radar. From advanced video surveillance to innovative radar technology, these devices are advancing the way we approach security.

AXIS Q9307-LV Dome Camera:

The AXIS Q9307-LV Dome Camera is a powerhouse of surveillance technology. Combining sharp video and two-way audio with actionable analytics, this all-in-one device helps improve safety, security, and operational efficiency. It offers a great solution for remote monitoring and communication while safeguarding privacy. Designed from the ground up for use in healthcare the Q9307 is much more than a camera, it’s an all in one platform designed with efficiency in mind.

Check it out in action here:

All-in-one audio-visual monitoring device

  • MP video with two-way audio.
  • Preinstalled audio and video analytics.
  • Remote monitoring while safeguarding privacy.
  • Withstands chemical wipe-downs.
  • Cost-efficient all-in-one device.
  • 4K Sensor: Delivers high-resolution video footage with exceptional detail.
  • Advanced Image Processing: Ensures clear and crisp images, even in low-light conditions.
  • IR Illuminators: Provides visibility in complete darkness for round-the-clock monitoring.
  • Remote Zoom and Focus: Offers flexibility in installation options for various mounting positions.
  • Support for Analytics: Enables advanced features such as motion detection and audio detection for proactive security measures.
  • Versatile Installation: Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications, adaptable to different environments.
  • 5 year warranty.

AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera: Protecting a variety of staff members in real time

Wearable cameras deter bad behavior and positively influence the public and camera wearers alike. Axis W110 Body Worn Camera brings these benefits to the workplace for sectors like retail, healthcare, transportation, and more.

AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera makes employees feel like they’re not alone. It deters violence and false accusations and contributes to a sense of well-being in the workplace. An indicator light and voice message on activation let people know it’s recording. It’s compatible with Body Worn Live for live streaming. It captures reliable forensic evidence and documents compliance thanks to sharp images and voice-enhanced audio-in. Plus, nearby wearables can be activated automatically when one person turns on their wearable camera. That – together with pre-buffering of up to 90 seconds – helps you capture all of what really happened from multiple angles. AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera provides security personnel with a powerful tool for documenting incidents and enhancing situational awareness. Compact and lightweight, this body-worn camera can be easily attached to uniforms or vests, enabling hands-free operation without impeding mobility.

Equipped with high-definition video recording capabilities and a wide-angle lens, the AXIS W110 captures clear and comprehensive footage of on-the-ground situations. Its rugged design ensures durability in challenging environments, while features such as GPS tracking and Wi-Fi connectivity enhance accountability and streamline evidence management processes.

Ideal for law enforcement, security patrols, and frontline responders, the AXIS W110 Body Worn Camera empowers personnel to capture critical evidence, de-escalate volatile situations, and uphold safety and security standards with confidence.

  • Lightweight and compact (75 × 55 × 19 mm).
  • Flexible mounting options.
  • Open standards for easy integration.
  • True end-to-end encryption.
  • Signed video/firmware, secure key storage.

Check it out here:

AXIS D2210-VE Radar: Revolutionizing Perimeter Protection AXIS D2210-VE Radar represents a paradigm shift in perimeter protection, leveraging advanced radar technology to detect and track intrusions with unparalleled accuracy. Unlike traditional motion sensors, which are prone to false alarms triggered by environmental factors, this radar device offers reliable detection capabilities in all weather conditions and lighting environments.

With a detection range of up to 100 meters and customizable detection zones, the AXIS D2210-VE provides comprehensive coverage of large outdoor areas, such as parking lots, industrial sites, and critical infrastructure facilities. Its integration with video management systems enables seamless collaboration between radar data and visual verification, enhancing response times and reducing false alarms.

By combining radar-based detection with intelligent analytics, the AXIS D2210-VE delivers proactive perimeter protection, allowing security teams to identify potential threats early and take decisive action to mitigate risks effectively. D2210-VE offers a 95° field of detection and can detect, classify, and track humans up to 60 m (200 feet) and vehicles up to 90 m (295 feet). And, with road monitoring profile enabled, the detection range for vehicles increases up to 150 m (492 feet). The radar also provides the exact position of the detected objects. AXIS D2210-VE can be used stand-alone for non-visual monitoring while safeguarding privacy. Or it can be used to steer a PTZ camera for visual verification. Furthermore, with smart coexistence functionality, it’s possible to combine up to eight AXIS D2210-VE radars in close proximity. And, you can even expand the installation with up to six AXIS D2110-VE radars and customize your detection area depending on your needs.

  • 60 GHz radar for area and traffic monitoring 24/7.
  • 95° coverage to detect, classify, and track objects.
  • Area and road monitoring profiles.
  • Monitor vehicle speeds up to 200 km/h (125 mph).
  • Easily connect using PoE out and edge-to-edge.
  • Compact design with integrated LED strip.

Check it out here:

Axis continues to support the changing needs of their customers worldwide.

As the security threat landscape continues to evolve, Axis Communications remains at the forefront of innovation, delivering advanced devices that empower organizations to safeguard their assets, protect their people, and mitigate risks effectively. From high-performance dome cameras to revolutionary radar technology, Axis devices are reshaping the landscape of security, providing users with the tools they need to stay one step ahead of emerging threats.

Kenton Brothers Systems for Security is a proud partner with Axis Communications. Every member of our Security Consultant team is certified by Axis to represent their line. Let us know how we can support you!

SuiteWorld 2023 Recap

By Neal Bellamy, IT Director at Kenton Brothers

SuiteWorld 2023 RecapSome of you might remember when we switched to NetSuite as our backend ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) back in January 2022.

NetSuite essentially handles all of our sales orders, purchasing, inventory, and accounting needs. We use a phrase around here that is, “You don’t know what you don’t know” and it seems pretty obvious. However, this truth reared its ugly head when we went live with NetSuite.

Even though our team spent almost a year getting prepared, we instantly found dozens of decisions made that didn’t have the outcome we expected. After 18 months of bending, twisting, and shaping NetSuite, we are in a much better place, where most people know what to do and what the effect will be.

SuiteWorld 2023

SuiteWorld is NetSuite’s annual conference to showcase new features and talk about their product development roadmap. Since we were finally becoming comfortable with NetSuite as-is, it is now time to stretch its capability. Three of us went to SuiteWorld to spread out, make connections, and learn new things.

The Future of NetSuite is Powered by AI

The impression I got from the keynote is that the future of NetSuite will be powered by AI.

I get it… Every vendor is shouting AI capabilities from the rooftops. But very few that I have seen are actually implementing AI. Some of those touted AI capabilities are just a set of rules that can trigger alerts. Some are a little more advanced and can change the threshold of the alerts dynamically.

NetSuite’s vision of AI is as close to a ChatGPT moment as I’ve seen so far.

One of the examples shown at SuiteWorld was a scenario where NetSuite would watch KPIs, determine what “Normal” looks like, and then alert you when that known normal is not what is being seen. Then, according to the vision, NetSuite can even make suggestions about how to correct the discrepancy. Of course, this is all flashy media right now, but it seems more doable than other examples I’ve seen trotted out as AI.

Several New Features Are Now a Part of NetSuite

SuiteWorld 2023 RecapOne of the new features is a new license. Several new integrations between existing modules were shown. While they seem very powerful, the solutions of CPQ (Configure Price Quote), and SuiteCommerce (Online shopping) are more suited to Manufacturing or Retail companies versus the commercial security related solutions we provide at Kenton Brothers.

NetSuite did announce the purchase of NextService which is a service-based module meant to help service companies like KB schedule and dispatch technicians. We will certainly keep an eye on how NextService (renamed to Field Service) evolves.

The Expo floor had over 100 vendors that tie into or support NetSuite. It was a great place to explore other options and meet vendors who can help solve pain points. I certainly spent a lot of time on the conference floor making as many connections as I could.

Overall, the SuiteWorld experience was a good one. Several of the classes helped expand my knowledge of the capabilities and expansion options that are available to us. It was a good time to learn and make new connections!

International Security Conference West 2022 Recap

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers

ISC West 2022 RecapWell, the floor was full again after a slow 2021 and there was an exciting energy in the air this year at ISC West. Those of us that came in early for the learning sessions came away better educated, but also excited for things to come.

The buzzwords for this year’s show had to be Innovation and Convergence.


The convergence of Physical and Cyber security was on high display especially during the Early Learning sessions. Roughly a third of the sessions had something to do with the subject. Physical security is no longer just physical security. You must consider the cyber security practices on the physical security network as well as the physical security of your cyber network.

With the uncontrolled spread of IOT and IIOT devices on the worlds network practical solutions must be created by organizations to manage the risk.

The same layered approach to physical security devices can be applied to the cyber security procedures in place and visa versa. During the learning sessions, the instructors spotlighted critical steps in bringing the directors of Physical security and Cyber Security together and knocking down the siloed walls that hold those positions back.

Great Stuff! Check out the Kenton Brothers Blog about the convergence and some of the lessons learned.


Many of the manufacturers on display this year really focused on innovations around automation and making life easier for the integrator and end user. These are both trends we like to support.


ISC West 2022 RecapThe newest weapons detection platform on the market – and WOW is it cool!

Visitors want to move quickly through security checkpoints at a seamless pace, knowing they’re well-protected everywhere inside your venue—while your security teams want the assurance that they can reliably pinpoint and stop threats.

The Evolv weapons detection system combines powerful sensor technology with proven artificial intelligence (AI), security ecosystem integrations, and comprehensive venue analytics to ensure safer, more accurate threat detection at an unprecedented speed and volume.

Evolv Technology – The New Standard in Weapons Detection

SafeHaven Defense Ballistic Film

Not all innovation is high tech. A retired police SWAT officer asked the question, “How do I contribute to the safety and well being of my community? How do we help keep our kids safe in schools?”

ISC West 2022 Recap - Safe Haven Defense

He decided to bring his experience to bear on the problem of school shootings by researching and developing a ballistic laminate product that is not only effective, but easier to install.

Safe Haven Defense manufactures a Security Laminate that offers superior protection against glass breakage due to burglaries, hurricanes, bombs and even bullets.

Unlike most competing products, SAFE HAVEN DEFENSE laminates are applied onsite to existing windows in commercial, municipal and residential buildings, with virtually no disruption to business activity. No special modifications or retrofitting is required. This is a game changer!

Axis Communications

Axis spotlighted two new exciting innovations!

ISC West 2022 Recap - Axis Communications

AXIS D4100-E Network Strobe Siren is the world’s first network strobe siren, helping to deter intruders, ensure on-site safety and improve operational efficiency with the power of light and sound. Integrated through VAPIX, MQTT or SIP, the device comes with various light and sound patterns to ensure the right level of protection for specific environments.

Based on the open Axis platform, this fully networked product can be connected to any Axis device, Axis VMS, or to third-party VMS and issue warnings and notifications with strobe lighting and/or siren alarms.

ISC West 2022 Recap - Axis CommunicationsSuited to a mobile-first society, AXIS Barcode Reader is an ACAP (AXIS Camera Application Platform)-based solution that makes it possible for Axis cameras and intercoms to function as QR Code® readers in an access control system. This powerful edge-based analytic leverages the outstanding video quality of Axis devices for reliable, convenient touch-free entry. Simple to install and cost-effective to manage, AXIS Barcode Reader ensures streamlined access control for both single- and multi-door scenarios.

LifeSafety Power

LifeSafety Power hit the show floor hard with it’s newest LSP ProWire enclosures. Each configuration can be customized for each manufacturer and ordered prewired for installation.

ISC West 2022 Recap - Life SafetyThey can be custom configured for each job and then drop-shipped right to the jobsite.  The prewired panels install quickly and reduce valuable manhours on site. We are excited about including them in our integrations immediately.

The world of security keeps growing and innovating.

As we say around here at Kenton Brothers Systems for Security – You must Innovate or Die. Based on what we witnessed at ISC West this year – The Security Industry is alive and well and bullish on Innovation!

Technology Update from ISC West 2021

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers

ISC West 2021The 2021 International Security Conference West Coast (ISC West) was much smaller this year, but still packed a punch for technology announcements. The smaller crowd still showed a lot of enthusiasm for the latest and greatest innovations in Commercial Video Surveillance, Access Control, Visitor Management, Intrusion detection, Public Safety and Emergency management.

Cyber and Physical Security Convergence

The overwhelming conversation this year was around the convergence of cyber and physical security. The physical security of cyber networks and the management of commercial and industrial IOT (Internet of Things) devices. High profile hacks have made the world pause and analyze how to better protect their networks and data from outside intrusion.

Currently Worldwide – 65 billion IOT devices

  • 127 IOT devices being connected every second.
  • Each device allows for the possibility of a vulnerability onto your network.
  • More to come on this from Kenton Brothers in the future.

Artificial Intelligence

ISC West 2021 - Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence and Robotics continued it’s flag waving this year. There are always large crowds around booths and displays for this type of technology. The use of artificial intelligence to analyze commercial video surveillance and create a proactive approach to stopping intrusion or crime continues to be a very strong driver for many companies.

Davantis, BriefCam and Avigilon continue to lead the way and evolve the technology to more use cases. The video analytics, AI learning and user input continue to make huge gains in deep learning and proactive measures.

With diminishing law enforcement personnel levels all across the country AI can help bridge the gap. There is no doubt that it is a force multiplier and will change the law enforcement and security industries forever.


ISC West 2021 - RoboticsThe robotics offerings showed very well this year at ISC West. Cobalt robotics continued to show the strength of AI, Deep Learning and Human Intelligence all working together to create secure spaces. Their announcement of the open IP addresses check was a topic that many responded to. Robots can also help with wireless signal intelligence: WiFi and cellular signal strength heatmaps, locations of rogue wireless access points, and the presence and identity of nearby electronic devices through techniques such as MAC address fingerprinting.”

Cobalt continues to wow customers with it’s ability to adapt to the workspace and create endless services.

Schedule a demo today


ISC West 2021 - AsylonThe show saw some exciting new technology surface this year. Asylon showed off the its offering of Robotic perimeter security. This includes their offerings of both drones and “Guard Dogs or cats”. The combination of these two platforms gives you complete coverage and the ability to gain proactive intelligence quickly. The space is innovating quickly!

Commercial IP Video Surveillance

Axis Communications

Axis Communications enables a smarter and safer world by creating network solutions that provide insights for improving security and new ways of doing business. As the industry leader in network video, Axis offers products and services for video surveillance and analytics, access control, and audio systems. This year, Axis spotlighted their ability to converge their platforms to one united system. Axis produced a great video that showcases the new convergence of their offerings.


Avigilon was busy fielding questions around the H5A system cameras.  This FIPS compliant line of video surveillance has produced some excellent cameras for a wide range of needs.  This line has truly raised the bar for cyber and physical security compliance. The addition of convolutional neural networks as the edge greatly increases the ability to have better, faster analytics driving commercial video surveillance.  All while encrypting the footage.   Check out their video explaining the line in more detail.

One new product that deserves a mention is the G.L.O.V.E.  system.

The GLOVE, which stands for Generated Low Output Voltage Emitter, is a conducted electrical weapon (CEW) from Compliant Technologies. It is designed to be used in conjunction with an officer’s defensive tactics training and other use of force tools to more effectively de-escalate use of force incidents and bring non-compliant subjects under control in a safe and timely manner. Another force multiplier that is more reliable than a Taser.

In conclusion, the show was smaller this year but still packed the same punch! We look forward to next year and getting back to normal soon.

Kansas City Cannabis Industry Showcase

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers.

Kansas City Cannabis Industry ShowcaseMissouri’s Medical Marijuana industry is getting kicked off in a grassroots way. In November, Kenton Brothers Systems for Security hosted a booth at the Inaugural Kansas City Cannabis Industry Showcase. Our goal was to help educate and guide potential licensees through the security compliance maze and help them understand how to effectively implement their security plan to stay compliant with state regulations.

As it was the areas first showcase, it was lightly attended on both days. But the people who attended the showcase were definitely legitimate business owners with real questions and concerns around security compliance.

Common Questions

Questions ranged from “How often do you think the State will be making inspections?” to “My building just got pulled from under my due to rezoning, how quickly can you get me a new security plan?”

The answer to the first question is “No matter how often the state makes inspections, you must be ready every time” and to the new property owner, “We can be out there tomorrow!”.

By far the biggest question everyone had on their mind was, “When will the state announce the licensees?” Ironically, two days later the State of Missouri published this statement:

State of Missouri on Licensees

The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) Section for Medical Marijuana Regulation will begin issuing medical marijuana facility licenses before the end of the year. In order to give all potential applicants sufficient notice of when to expect notification of application determinations, DHSS is announcing tentative dates of license issuance for all facility types.

Medical marijuana facility license issuance is expected to occur on the following schedule:

  • Testing facilities: approximately December 19, 2019
  • Transportation facilities: approximately December 23, 2019
  • Cultivation facilities: approximately December 26, 2019
  • Infused Products Manufacturing facilities: approximately January 10, 2020
  • Dispensary facilities: approximately January 24, 2020
  • Seed to Sale: January 31, 2020

A few items that still need to be worked out by the state is how will the caregivers or individuals secure their growing areas to be in compliance. Currently, the regulation does not distinguish between a larger growing facility or one with say 6-12 plants.

Home Security Camera Drawing Winner

Shawn Pietrofere of Back to Earth Farm in SE Missouri was our lucky winnerA special congratulations to the winner of our home security camera drawing at the showcase. Shawn Pietrofere of Back to Earth Farm in SE Missouri was our lucky winner. Shawn and his family look at the Medical marijuana business as a way to sustain their family business for multiple generations. The back to Earth team was very impressive and have a very detailed business plan for success. We’re excited for the opportunity to partner with them to be sure that their investment is secure and that they stay complaint with the state.

During the show we met some really wonderful people that are investing quite a bit of time, energy and money into the industry. Our job is to help them protect their investment. We take that job very seriously.