Keying Systems Part 2: Restricted vs. Standard Keyways

By Ryan Kaullen, Field Services Manager at Kenton Brothers

Keying Systems Series
Part 1: Importance of Master Key Systems and Restricted Keyways
Part 2: Restricted vs. Standard Keyways (this story)
Part 3: Peace of Mind with Keying Systems

Restricted and Standard Keyways

In a world of ever-changing physical security, the question consistently is raised: How do I bring more security to my facility through keying?
The answers are contained within knowing the options that are available between Restricted and Standard Keyways.

Restricted vs. Standard Keyways


Restricted key systems operate on a higher level of security vs. a standard key system. And yes, restricted key systems come with a minor increase in cost, but the benefits justify the added cost.

Benefits of using a restricted key system include:

  • An authorization process determines who can get keys and high security lock cylinders made/purchased.
  • They are harder to pick (open).
  • They can’t be duplicated at your local hardware store.

One of the biggest upsides of a restricted keyway solution is that there are checks and balances in place. To get a key made, you must be on the authorized user list. This means that if keys are lost or stolen, the key holder must approach management. You immediately know when a key is lost or stolen. This provides another layer of security to your facility, and lessens the time of exposure.


Standard key systems have their place in security, but they’re easily duplicated at most hardware stores. Users can make as many duplicates as they want without getting authorization. And if keys are lost or stolen, management may never know that there are keys missing until it’s too late. This scenario ultimately compromises the people, property, and possessions of your facility.

Want to know more about restricted key systems?

Physical key security is extremely important for facilities, just as important as commercial access control and intrusion. And physical key security is an important element of a complete access control security solution. If you would like to know more about restricted key systems for your company, please give us a call.

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