Enhancing Physical Security: Alvarado Turnstiles and Garrett Metal Detectors

By Alana Hanly, Security Consultant at Kenton Brothers

In an ever-evolving world, ensuring physical security is incredibly important. Businesses, public spaces, and institutions face the challenge of safeguarding their premises and protecting individuals from potential threats. Two powerful tools that contribute significantly to physical security are Alvarado turnstiles and Garrett metal detectors. In this blog, we will explore how these technologies work and discuss their valuable role in various physical security scenarios.

Alvarado Turnstiles: An Overview

Alvarado TurnstilesAlvarado turnstiles are sophisticated entry control systems designed to regulate and monitor access to premises. Depending on the type of organization, these turnstiles offer a range of features, including barrier arms, optical sensors, and biometric authentication ensuring only authorized personnel can enter a secure area. Let’s look at some scenarios where Alvarado turnstiles play a pivotal role in enhancing physical security:

Crowd Management at Public Venues

Alvarado turnstiles help efficiently manage large crowds at stadiums, arenas, and concert venues. By controlling the flow of people, these turnstiles prevent unauthorized access and ensure a smooth and orderly entry process. Additionally, they can be integrated with ticketing systems or access control software, providing real-time data for attendance tracking and capacity management, or be implemented with Alvarado’s own Gate Watch software to support your organizational needs.

Employee Access Control

Alvarado TurnstilesIn corporate settings, Alvarado turnstiles act as a reliable solution for employee access control. By implementing turnstile systems with RFID or biometric authentication, businesses can restrict entry to authorized personnel only. This helps prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to sensitive areas, safeguarding valuable assets and confidential information.

Transportation Hubs

Airports, train stations, and bus terminals face unique security challenges due to high volumes of people and the need to ensure restricted areas remain secure. Alvarado turnstiles enable effective access control, allowing only ticketed passengers or authorized personnel into secure zones. They can be seamlessly integrated with security systems, such as video surveillance and alarm systems, to enhance overall safety.

Garrett Metal Detectors: Enhancing Threat Detection

Garrett Metal DetectorsGarrett Metal Detectors are renowned for their advanced technology in detecting metallic objects, offering an additional layer of security in various environments. Here are some of the common scenarios where these devices are used:

Weapons Screening

In locations where public safety is a priority, such as airports, courthouses, and public buildings, Garrett metal detectors are deployed to detect concealed weapons or dangerous objects. By creating a security checkpoint, these detectors help deter potential threats and provide a reliable means of identifying individuals carrying prohibited items.

Event Security

When large gatherings, conferences, or exhibitions take place, Garrett metal detectors play a crucial role in screening attendees for any concealed weapons or dangerous objects. Their presence serves as a deterrent and assures event organizers and participants of a secure environment. These detectors can be used alongside security personnel to conduct quick and non-intrusive screenings.

Loss Prevention

Garrett Metal DetectorsIn retail settings, shoplifting and employee theft pose significant challenges. Garrett metal detectors help prevent inventory shrinkage by detecting unauthorized metal objects leaving the premises. By incorporating metal detection systems at exits, retailers can reduce theft incidents and create a safer shopping environment for customers and employees.

In closing, Alvarado turnstiles and Garrett metal detectors are valuable tools in bolstering physical security across a wide range of scenarios. Whether it’s managing crowds, controlling access to restricted areas, or enhancing threat detection, these technologies offer effective solutions for safeguarding people and assets. By implementing these systems, businesses, institutions, and public venues can create secure environments, assuring individuals of their safety and peace of mind.

If you would like to know more about these solutions, we are here to help. Please give us a call.

SmartScan Screening Solutions from Garrett Metal Detectors

By Alana Hanly, Security Consultant at Kenton Brothers

Garrett Metal Detectors - SmartScanIn 2020, many businesses have responded to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to provide solutions that we at Kenton Brothers like to call COVID Fighters. Our partners at Garrett Metal Detectors have developed a fully HIPAA compliant solution called SmartScan. This technology allows you to assess an average of 400 people an hour for health and safety screenings, hands on or hands free, in a single walkthrough.

Key Features of SmartScan

  • Quick-start operation
  • Fast detection of incoming traffic
  • Does not slow down your existing screening process
  • No technical staff needed to make initial temperature evaluations
  • Garrett Metal Detectors - SmartScanNo additional components requiring more floor space
  • Intuitive status indicators for startup, calibration, and elevated temperature alarms
  • A CTR (Constant Temperature Reference) is not required for operation
  • Visual and audible alarm options
  • False Alarm mitigation through non-facial detection sensing
  • Visual and audible alarm options
    • Patron Throughput Counting


The SmartScan Metal Detectors are made and assembled in Garland, Texas, making them Buy American Approved, Section 889 Compliant, and NDAA Compliant for our critical infrastructure. This means that they are an approved investment with Cares Act Funding and utilize technology only from safe trade partners.

SmartScan Technology

Garrett Metal Detectors - SmartScanThe SmartScan system will scan temperatures using a dual camera system that can discreetly provide a lighted “Go” or “No Go” indication to an operator assigned to the unit. When no operator is present, the indication system is easy to understand, allowing guests to proceed through the detector with no delays. In addition, it will also generate the throughput counts for review without keeping any other personal data of guests or employees that use these walk through metal detectors.

This solution is offered as a new accessory feature to the PD 6500i and MZ 6100 units, and existing units can be retrofitted with the technology. The field upgrade process is a quick process for existing Garrett users. For PD 6500i users, Garrett’s Quick-Q™ cellphone elimination technology can be used in conjunction with SmartScan to further expedite the screening process and promote touchless screening.

This is a great solution when you need to quickly assess a lot of people moving through commercial spaces.

Please let us know if you would like to learn more about how Garrett Metal Detectors with SmartScan technology can protect your People, Property and Possessions.

Metal Detectors – Why schools should buy them now!

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers

Kenton Brothers Systems for security offers a full line of physical security products and services.

One of the most recognizable brands that we proudly represent is Garrett Metal Detectors.

Garrett is the market leader in metal detectors and continues to innovate and bring new technology to the marketplace. For over 50 years Garrett has protected events, courthouses and schools all over the world.

Right now is a great time for schools to buy a metal detector and here is why:

Garrett School Security Savings1) Garrett Metal detectors has announced that they are offering a sharply discounted school package.

Garrett’s PD 6500i walk-through metal detector provides advanced technology, rugged durability, and multi-zone location of one or more targets simultaneously.

This package includes six essential items to provide your school with fully mobile walk-throughs that can be deployed on battery power.

  1. PD 6500i walk-through metal detector: 33 detection zones
  2. SuperScanner® V hand-held metal detector
  3. Walk-through caster set: for easy portability
  4. Battery Modules: lithium ion, for backup power or multi-hour cordless operation Wireless
  5. Sync Module: synchronizes multiple close proximity walk-throughs
  6. 3-year Warranty: extended from normal 2-year warranty

This package is normally $6,600.00 but is now only $3,800.00! (freight not included)

2) Garrett is also giving you a complete guide to implementation.

Garrett recognizes that implementing Metal detectors in schools comes with a lot of planning and forethought. They’ve produced a complete white paper and implementation guide from real life experiences to make this planning easier.  You can attend the KB Event listed below or call our office to arrange a copy.

Garrett Metal Detectors: Keep your school safe.3) Kenton Brothers Systems for security is hosting an Event to help schools understand this promotion and the implementation guide on May 30, 2019.

If you are in education at any level, you want to ink this on your calendar. We will discuss the step by step implementation guide to begin using metal detectors in your school.  Please join us by signing up for the free event at kentonbrothers.com/events

We look forward to talking with you soon!

Kenton Brothers Systems for Security Helps Keep Westport Safe by Keeping Weapons Out

Westport protects patrons with metal detection technology from iconic, local security solutions provider.

Kenton Brothers Systems for Security created a metal detection technology package in response to the Westport Regional Business League (WRBL) request for a solution that enhances patron safety without sacrificing the entertainment district’s sense of inclusion. The effort to help keep Westport safe for all by keeping weapons out required out-of-the-box thinking from the WRBL, Kansas City’s city council members and Kenton Brothers.

Westport has been a flourishing commerce area known for dining, drinking and entertainment since the days when the California, the Santa Fe, and the Oregon Pioneer Trails passed through Westport on Westport Road in the mid-1830s. Recent incidents of violence called for a creative solution to keep Westport’s patrons safe, especially on weekend evenings.

Like Westport, Kenton Brothers has been a fixture in Kansas City since the 1800s, securing people, property and possessions. With all Westport’s merchants’ support, the WBRL trusted Kenton Brothers to create a metal detection package that was easy to use, move and store, makes visitors feel safe, and isn’t perceived as a barrier to entrance.

“Anywhere crowds gather, using metal detection is an appropriate way to protect patrons. This is part of the world we live in today. There are and will continue to be entertainment districts that add metal detection. It’s the prudent thing to do,” says Kim Kimbrough, executive director, WRBL.

Kenton Brothers delivered a self-contained, packaged system for Westport’s four main entrances along its corridor. The system includes:

  • Garrett metal detectors, which set the industry standard for metal detection technology and are used around the world in sports and entertainment venues and commercial buildings
  • Casters for easily moving the units
  • Battery packs for powering the units
  • A handheld wand metal detector

The detectors go into service on Fridays and Saturdays between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m., according to the WRBL site: https://westportkcmo.com/safety/


More Businesses Being Proactive with Metal Detectors to Prevent Loss

Garrett Super Scanner VWalk-through and hand-held metal detectors have become commonplace at schools, universities, event venues, government buildings and businesses in Kansas City and across the country. Their increase in popularity is due to the technology advances that make them an excellent component of any security system, as well as their ability to help proactively prevent losses versus react to them.

More and more businesses are turning to walk-through and hand-held metal detectors to secure their facilities and protect their assets. Such is the case for Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment. Not only did Kenton Brothers install Garrett metal detectors to safeguard their facility and assets (both people and expensive components), but also their customers’ components housed inside Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment’s facility located in Kansas City.

Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment is located underground, which makes the facility secure in ordinary circumstances. However, when this packaging and fulfillment company started working with a customer to provide services that involved expensive electronic components used in their packaging displays, a Garrett walk-through metal detector was installed in order to prevent them from leaving the Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment’s facility.

ALF Case StudyWhy a walk-through metal detector? Kenton Brothers’ associates listened to Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment’s goals and assessed the existing set up. We chose Garrett’s PD6500iä walk-through metal detector as the best solution to keep Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment’s customer’s electronic components secure.

The PD6500i:

  • Meets the world’s highest test certifications
  • Has transmitters in each panel, making it the equivalent of two detectors in one
  • Can target 33 zones on target locations, going head to toe on the left and right sides or center of the body
  • Can be configured with a battery module and caster set for set up in minutes and quickly moved to other locations
  • Has settings for airports, courthouses, prisons, schools, event venues, transit, loss prevention for businesses and more
  • Can be set for forward, reverse, subtract in reverse and bi-directional directions
  • Has networking ability

Preventing loss of the electronic components was a priority, but efficiency couldn’t be sacrificed. With Garrett’s PD6500i, Advanced Logistics and Fulfillment’s employees can still quickly get to their work areas without being held up by the metal detector at the entrance because the PD6500i’s accuracy results in fewer false alarms. Read the full case study.

Even with all the benefits and efficiencies associated with metal detectors like the Garrett PD6500i, a commercial security system that includes metal detectors is only as good as the metal detector solution used and the company that stands behind that product. That’s why Kenton Brothers recommends, installs and services Garrett metal detectors, the gold standard in hand-held and walk-through metal detectors.

Want to learn more? Contact us today: kbsales@kentonbrothers.com