Kenton Brothers celebrates Bring your Pet to Work day, everyday.

It’s no mystery that our work life balance has become an out of weight scale. Long hours and extra commitments make it impossible to find time for extras. Some companies in corporate America have taken a step in the right direction to find balance, by implementing Pet’s at Work programs.

These programs have shown to be a cheap and rewarding benefit of a job. “Bringing their pet to work means employees aren’t worrying about their pets sitting at home alone all day. This is particularly important for employees who have young puppies or senior dogs” according to But this benefit branches beyond simply having a furry companion. Pets at work allow coworkers to have an obvious ice breaker.

Pats on the head of a dog lead to striking up conversation with a new employee. These chats lead to collaboration, which leads to a true sense of team. Medically, having your pet nearby has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which helps employees to relax at work. Kenton Brothers has been a pet friendly place to work for years.

We’ve seen how this program genuinely helps employees at work, and lets them have a piece of home during their 9 to 5. Recently Kenton Brothers expanded their love of pets to a new standard by implementing a “Pet of The Week” program. The program showcases one employee’s pet each week on social media, which helps to encourage others to adopt.

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(Credit to for some of our sweet facts.)