Hands-Free Door Hardware and MORE to Protect Your People, Property and Possessions

By Gina Stuelke, CEO of Kenton Brothers

Did you know that 80% of germs are spread with your hands? Kenton Brothers Systems for Security offers several types of door hardware that can aid in the prevention of spreading germs and infectious diseases.

Arm and Foot Pulls

Arm and foot pulls are quick, easy and cost-effective solutions to open a door without touching a handle or lever with your hands. This type of hardware is attached to the door and can be used by pulling with your foot, arm or elbow. We offer a variety of options including stainless steel base material, copper anti-microbial material, anti-microbial coating over stainless steel, and multiple finishes. These types of products are perfect in areas such as restrooms, commercial buildings, restaurants, grocery stores, churches, event spaces and healthcare facilities.

Kenton Brothers Hands-Free Security Options Kenton Brothers Hands-Free Security Options

“Healthy” Hardware Options

The door handle of a public facility can be touched by people several thousand times a day. That’s thousands of opportunities to transfer bacteria and infectious diseases. In hospitals alone, there are over 103,000 Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) reported every year! On openings where pushing or pulling a mechanical door handle or lever is necessary, we offer health conscious bactericidal and/or anti-microbial hardware.

Some of the benefits of this hardware include:

  • Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 2 hours.
  • Not a coating and won’t wear off! Will continue to kill bacteria for the lifetime of the product.
  • Looks like stainless steel to match other hardware products.
  • Wide range of hardware and touch surfaces available.

Kenton Brothers Hands-Free Security Options Kenton Brothers Hands-Free Security Options

“Hands-Free” Access Control Technology – Empower your phone to be your credential

Another option becoming popular is “hands-free” access control technology. We offer products that use cellular, WiFi, and Bluetooth technologies to create hands-free credentials. These allow you to walk up to a secured opening with your mobile credential and gain entry without needing to take your smartphone out of your pocket or your bag.

Kenton Brothers Hands-Free Security Options

For more information about these hands-free security options, please give us a call. We would be happy to walk you through these options to find your perfect solution!

VIDEO: Commercial Video Surveillance 2020

As a business owner, I’m concerned about my people, properties and possessions. A commercial video surveillance system might be the right answer.

Project Update: Commercial Turnstile Installation

Kenton Brothers is in the business of protecting people, property and possessions. We’re honored to install many types of commercial security equipment for specific custom applications. When we received a request for a new, large turnstile custom application from a long-time customer, we were excited to tackle the project.

Turnstiles in general can be tricky for several reasons. Some of these include the area of install, requirements of our customer, integration with commercial access control, and the requested timeline. Working with our customers to figure out their specific needs is crucial to an install like this. And the planning always has to have the end goal as the focus.

Turnstile Project Turnstile Project

Some of the specific challenges during this installation included the area the install was to take place. The work had to be done during a plant shutdown or on an approved weekend. The integration of the turnstile with their commercial security system was also important. And the exact placement of the turnstile mattered.

As the installation progressed, our technicians had to use forklifts to move components of the turnstile down a narrow hallway. There was almost no room for error. Once dropped into place, the turnstile had to be anchored correctly, and then the integration of the turnstile began.

The result is that Kenton Brothers was able to provide a custom application to fit their exact needs… on time, and on budget!

In today’s environment, stop bacteria and microbes at the door.

BacteriaBy Gina Stuelke, CEO of Kenton Brothers.

To protect against the spread of bacteria and other dangerous microbes, it’s important to consider the role of high touch door hardware in a publicly-used building. Visitors and occupants continuously handle door levers and exit devices. Bacteria and other microbes can live on these hardware surfaces for hours, transferring from one person to another. Did you know that door hardware can be protected against the growth of many microbes?

How can Kenton Brothers help?

Kenton Brothers offers locks and hardware with antimicrobial technology that has an added layer of protection against the growth of bacteria to protect the hardware. An antimicrobial is a substance that acts to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and suppresses microorganism reproduction. This provides an added level of protection against damaging microbes such as bacteria that can cause stains, odors and product deterioration.

Why do we need antimicrobial hardware? Because it’s 99.9% cleaner than unprotected surfaces.

Bacteria can double every 20 minutes on unprotected surfaces. Antimicrobial protection works to continuously fight off microbes and protect the hardware.

The antimicrobial coating is incorporated into the finish during the manufacturing process and will not wash off or wear away. The coating lasts for the lifetime of the hardware finish.

How does it work?

When microbes come in contact with the product surface, the antimicrobial protection penetrates the cell wall of the microorganism and disrupts the cell, making the microorganism unable to grow and reproduce.

Antimicrobial protection is effective against most common bacteria that cause stains, odors and product degradation. While this technology is 99.9% cleaner than unprotected surfaces, it is not designed to protect users from disease causing microorganisms.

Consumer safety is a fundamental concern for us. Antimicrobial hardware products are approved by the US EPA and have a history of safe use in door hardware.

To learn more about antimicrobial hardware, please give us a call!

Share your commercial video surveillance system feed with your local police department.

By Neal Bellamy, IT Director at Kenton Brothers.

Video cameras are everywhere in the world today. These cameras can help a city gain more situational awareness and help police fight crimes better than ever before.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the police could access any camera… at any time?

Unfortunately, video management systems can be complicated. Most video management systems are not compatible with each other. However, there is hope.

Share your commercial video surveillance feed with your local police departmentIt starts with a standard.
In order for video management systems to communicate, they must first speak the same language. In the security camera space, there is already a common standard called ONVIF (www.onvif.org ). The standard is pretty widespread. If the standard is followed, it allows for video to be streamed between a client (usually a camera) and a server (usually a video management system). The ONVIF standard does not guarantee that all of the camera’s features can be accessed, but it’s a good starting point for basic video streaming. And it works with a bridge.

What if instead of a camera being ONVIF compliant, we made a commercial video management system act like an ONVIF compliant camera or multiple cameras? The video management system is already receiving video streams… Could it send the camera stream it’s receiving somewhere else as well?

That’s exactly what Milestone is doing.

Milestone Systems

Milestone commercial video surveillance LogoMilestone systems (www.milestonesys.com) has released a server component called “ONVIF Bridge”. This allows your Milestone server system to rebroadcast the video that is being sent to another server. As long as the receiving server is ONVIF compliant (most are) it will be able to see, and optionally record, the video.

So how does this solve our problem?

If a company wants to loan some, or all of their cameras out to a police department, they can under the following conditions:

1) The company is using a Milestone system that’s compatible with ONVIF Bridge
2) The Police department can connect to ONVIF Cameras

With those two things in place, the police department could use your cameras to help with situational awareness and help solve crimes.

In our lab at Kenton Brothers, we were able to successfully connect the Milestone ONVIF Bridge to Avigilon and Genetec systems.

If you would like to know more about how to connect your cameras to your local police department, give us a call!