Partnerships. Why we love them and how to keep them strong!

By David Strickland, Vice President of Kenton Brothers talking about partnerships and keeping them strong and healthy.

Kenton Brothers: PartnershipsPartnerships are one of our core values for a reason. Kenton Brothers chooses manufacturers and distributors based on a pretty strict set of characteristics. Quality, Capability and Responsiveness are at the top of the list. These characteristics foster trust and teamwork. We know that the majority of the time things will go very well. And when they don’t, we can trust the integrity of our partners to respond quickly to make things right.

While writing this story, I find myself thinking of several successful partnerships. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan, Ben and Jerry, Han Solo and Chewbacca. (I just had to throw in that last one.) What made these partnerships great?  They had all the best ingredients including, quality minds, capable people with amazing skills and responsive action.

They also had chemistry.

Chemistry is that extra “soft skill” that all great partnerships must have. You know that feeling of happiness and connection – especially when you’re winning. That excitement of the no look pass to the partner you know is going to be there to receive it.  It feels good to have that trust – You can accomplish anything.

Partnerships in any arena can be powerful… but they can also be tough at times. The We vs. Me creeps in and strains the bond that makes the partnership work.

Here are three tips for overcoming strains on partnerships.

1) Open and honest communication

We recommend you sit down with your internal and external partners regularly to discuss what’s working and what needs work. Be open about it! Both parties want to see the successful partnership thrive. Remember this goes both ways. One of the toughest things for your vendors to say to you is that you are hard to do business with. But If you are and don’t know it, you are missing and opportunity to grow and strengthen your business.

2) Knowledge and training

We believe that the best way to communicate with your partners is to fully understand their business and their product – You should expect the same from them.  We recently interviewed a prospective partner that came in knowing very little about us and our story.  It was not a very long meeting.  Our suggestion is to prepare for the meeting with them by understanding who they are, what they represent and how it could be a good partnership. If during the preparation you discover they will not be a good partner for you – politely decline the meeting as to not waste your time or theirs.


  1. Teambuilding – One of the most effective was to strengthen a partnership is to team build with them.  Invite them to interact with your team and vice versa.  Let them get to know your culture through your team.  Ask to get to know theirs too.  This kind of approach allows for even greater communication in the different layers in your organization and can become a powerful force when you need to call for help.


Kenton Brothers believes strongly in partnering with the very best manufacturers and distributors in the industry.    We owe it to our customers to deliver only the very best to them and they should expect nothing less.

What do you do with records? You break them.

By David Strickland, Vice President at Kenton Brothers, talking about breaking records.

Companies of all sizes always strive to be a little better, a little bigger and a lot more stable. This happens in a lot of ways. At the core of all this effort is a desire to continually improve. So to help set the path, they create goals. And then they work toward achieving those goals.  Sometimes, they set a personal or a team record and that immediately becomes what all effort is measured against.

Records can stand for a short time or for hundreds of years.

Kenton Brothers: Breaking Sales RecordsFor example, in the 2008 Olympics, 25 swimming world records were set. One event, the 4x relay had a world record broken three times in the last three heats of the match. So in this case, the world record only lasted for a few minutes.

Bob Beamon’s 29 foot, 2.3 inches long jump from 1968 lasted until 1991 when Mike Powell passed it by 2.7 inches – that record still stands today. And many say it will never be broken. But I promise you somewhere out there is a young man working hard to break that record. Just like Mike Powell did when he was a young man.

Breaking Records

On August 6, 2017, the sales team at Kenton Brothers broke two very important records. One of them had stood for 38 seconds. The other has a good chance of standing for a long long time.

Early that morning, Brian Nutt turned in what at the time was the largest installation job ever for Kenton Brothers totaling $402,000. He broke the previous record of $365,000 which had stood for almost 3 years. Thirty-eight seconds later, Neal Bellamy turned in an installation project of $466,000. That became the new mark.

Kenton Brothers: Breaking Sales RecordsObviously, August 6th was a very special day. The air was electric, but it didn’t stop there. Every person on the sales team contributed. At the end of the day, we had achieved a single day new sales record of 1.14 million dollars! A shattering record that may never be broken, but it doesn’t mean we aren’t going to try!

So what do you do when you set a record? You break it. What do you do when you break it? You celebrate!

Congratulations TEAM KB!

Here’s What The Solar Eclipse Looked Like from Downtown Kansas City.

By Kristen Harper, Controller and HR Manager at Kenton Brothers, talks about our recent hire, Ryan Nance.

Kenton Brothers: Eclipse Watching Party 2017The Kenton Brothers team gathered together to enjoy the memorable 2017 Eclipse in style! We had lots of sun and moon themed tasty treats to keep everyone well hydrated and energized. We took some time out of the day to share in the once in “our” lifetime opportunity in downtown Kansas City.

The excitement kicked off at approximately 11:45am on Monday, August 21st. That’s when the first sign of the moon intersecting the sun began. We all rushed to our parking lot and opened our newly purchased, approved for our safety, eclipse glasses. That first peek was exciting.

We then decided to enjoy some tasty grilled burgers and Sun chips for lunch. We had homemade Moon pies (made by our very own Rusty Braxdale and Kassie Lyons) for dessert. Yum.

At 12:45pm, the team took to the parking lot for the official countdown. Many of us took photos while enjoying a little background music featuring “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” We waited excitedly for 1:08pm to come so that we could experience a total eclipse. There were a few scary moments when clouds came in just seconds before the full eclipse. At the last possible minute, it happened. Twenty-five seconds of total eclipse! The KB team erupted with cheers and clapping along with other people in the downtown area. It was a beautiful, rarely to be seen again site.

What were you doing on Eclipse Day 2017? We hope you had an amazing experience!

Kenton Brothers: Eclipse Watching Party 2017 Kenton Brothers: Eclipse Watching Party 2017 Kenton Brothers: Eclipse Watching Party 2017

Now Serving Wichita Through The Power of She

By Gina Stuelke, CEO of Kenton Brothers

Isn’t it ironic that half of the leadership staff at Kenton Brothers Systems for Security is female?

I’m sure the founding brothers, Leon and William, from way back in 1897 would be very proud (and astonished) that the CEO, HR Manager/ Controller and the new Wichita Territory Manager are all strong women. These women are leading Kenton Brothers through its fourth generation of doing business.

Part of Kenton Brother’s strategic plan is to open or expand a new market each year for the next three years.

In 2016, we expanded into the Central Missouri region. In 2017, Wichita is the expansion target and Amy Mounts is leading the charge as our new Territory Manager.

Kenton Brothers: Amy MountsWichita is on the move and we recognized the opportunity to provide security services to area businesses. These security services include locking hardware and integration solutions around access control and video surveillance.

Amy has worked in the information technology space since 1998. She has a proven history of leading a successful technology business in Wichita. Local market knowledge, coupled with her well rounded business experience, provide a strong foundation for her to build the Kenton Brothers presence. Amy is an avid KU Jayhawks supporter, and lives in Wichita with her husband and two children.

Amy enjoys contributing her expertise on several boards in the Wichita community and works to inspire women. She says, “what I thrive on is helping other people succeed. When I have the opportunity to work with someone, I try to encourage them that they can do anything – and not to get caught up in the female vs. male world. Just pursue your dreams.”

We’re excited to watch as Amy builds her new team and brings the ‘KB Way’ to Kansas!

Kenton Brothers Team Building at Main Event

Author: Kristen Harper

KB Team at Main EventAt Kenton Brothers, we’ve made team building a very important part of our organization in 2017. While it’s vital to work hard every day, it’s equally important to celebrate the successes.

This year, we’ve done so many fun and interactive things such as St Patrick’s Day Luncheons, Potluck Taco Tuesday, and a night of Fun and Games at Main Event.

The goal of these events is to open up communication and improve comradery for our team, develop deeper working relationships and connections, and to have some fun!

We’ve learned over the course of these events that Luke Bergin, our Distribution Sales Leader, is quite the “Bagger” (this is bowling talk for someone who can string together multiple strikes). Our fearless leader Gina Stuelke and Purchasing Manager Rusty Braxdale can really bust some moves. Our team of talented technicians have impeccable balance and so very much more!

We hear throughout many industries that the “office family” culture is going by the wayside. At Kenton Brothers, it’s one of our greatest strengths. We want our staff to wake up happy to come to work each and every day as well as stay a strong and united team all while securing your world!